Empowering a generation to transform their communities

  • who: students grades 6-9 from Vancouver, Burnaby, New WEstminster, & Richmond

  • When: march 15th & 16th

  • what time: 11am - 6pm

  • Where: SFU Burnaby

  • registration Fee: $20

workshops, arts, sports, music,

workshops, arts, sports, music,

Empowering voices of junior youth from vancouver, burnaby, richmond & new westminster.

Day 1: Unlocking the potential of junior youth for personal growth

Day 2: Using their potential to contribute to the betterment of society

The Junior Youth Conference aims to create an empowering environment that instils in young people a strong sense of purpose and helps them recognize their collective capacity to contribute to the betterment of their communities. This conference is inspired by the conviction that young people have an acute sense of justice, an eagerness to learn about the universe, and a desire to contribute to the construction of a better world. In a world filled with messages that tell junior youth that they are too young or naive to contribute meaningfully to the world, this conference provides a different perspective, creating an environment that inspires them with the true potential their generation possesses.

Junior youth will engage in workshops, arts, music, and sports and have opportunities to hear inspiring stories from other young people around the world. In addition, participants will analyze their social reality and plan service projects that address the needs of their community.